+ 43 3848 5255
-1°C Überwiegend bewölkt
  • Zwei Damen beim Langlauf in einer winterlichen Schneelandschaft.
  • Damen beim Langlaufen in traditionellen Dirndln.
  • Personen beim Skifahren und Langlaufen

Tracks / Cross-Country Skiing School

The cross-country skiing area at the Eisenerzer Ramsau is located at a sunny altitude (995 - 1,070 m) at the bottom of the Mt. Kaiserschild and is known for its perfect snow conditions until spring.

Awarded with the “Styrian trail quality seal”, the Eisenerzer Ramsau offers a total of 25km of parallel classic and skating tracks, divided into three different levels of difficulty.

The three cross-country tracks lead across undulating alpine pastures past the impressive ski jumping hills and biathlon facility of the Erzberg Arena, on to snow-covered alpine huts and offer a fantastic view of the “Styrian landmark”, the Erzberg.

On the FIS-certified tracks, amateur and top athletes as well as the young athletes of the Nordic Training Center (NAZ), which is known beyond the country's borders, find perfect conditions for their training. In summer, the area around the cross-country ski track is transformed into a roller ski track.

Special offer:

In cooperation with the Krumpenloipe in Trofaiach, we offer a combination ticket, that is valid for both regions. You'll also be amazed when you pass the ski jumps of the Erzberg Arena during your cross-country skiing lap and watch the young Austrians and World Cup athletes during their training. Ideal conditions for anyone who wants to follow the path of our nordic stars.

Facts and figures

Highest point: 1070 m
Lowest point: 995 m
Total kilometers classic & skating (running parallel): 25 km
Family track (blue): 5 km, 60 Hm
Erzberg panorama track (red): 9,2 km, 186 Hm
Ramsauer-Almboden track (black): 10,8 km, 201 Hm
Lukas Klapfer track (yellow): 2,5 km, 83 Hm (FIS homologierte Runde)
ticket office + ticket machine Latitude: 47.513302 | Longitude: 14.846036
Biathlon stadium Latitude: 47.512793 | Longitude: 14.842226
Alpengasthaus Ramsau Latitude: 47.51458 | Longitude: 14.831868 (chargeable parking lot of the municipality of Eisenerz)

You can find our cross-country ski track rules for download here.


Roman Rubinigg
Tel: 0650 40 90 115


Sport Zauner (in the center of Eisenerz)
Tel: 03848 2201

Refreshment possibility at the
cross-country ski trail:

JUFA Eisenerz Restaurant

(open daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.)

Alpengasthaus Ramsau

(open from January - March

every Sat. & Sun. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)


In the city center of Eisenerz there are the
following places to stop for refreshments
with good home-style food:

- Restaurant im Bad (Vitalbad Eisenerz)

- Gasthaus Franz August

- Gasthaus Bräustüberl Eisenerz

- Gasthaus Zur Kaisergams

- Gasthaus Volkskeller

Mon – Sun 09:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.


Erwachsene Normalpreis
8,00 €
Jugendliche Normalpreis
4,00 €


Erwachsene Normalpreis
40,00 €
Jugendliche Normalpreis
20,00 €


Erwachsene Normalpreis
75,00 €
Jugendliche Normalpreis
37,50 €


Erwachsene Normalpreis
Preis folgt
Jugendliche Normalpreis
Preis folgt
11 bis 16 Jahre 
(Kinder bis Ende 10 Jahre GRATIS)

Day ticket
Weekly card
Season pass
Combined season ticket

Adult normal price

  8,00 euros
40,00 euros
75,00 euros
85,00 euros

Youth normal price
11 to 16 y. (children up to the age of 10 years FREE)

  4,00 euros
20,00 euros
37,50 euros

Karte der Langlaufschule Erzberg Arena mit grüner, roter und blauer Route, wichtigen Standorten, Notrufnummern und Informationen.
Weißes Icon einer Loipen-Langlauf-Illustration mit transparentem Hintergrund.

ski trail

All information about opening hours, conditions, rates,
and availability

Weißes Icon einer Skispringer-Illustration mit transparentem Hintergrund.

Ski jump hills

All information about
opening hours, conditions,
rates, and availability

Weißes Icon einer Hütten-Illustration mit transparentem Hintergrund.

Nordic Camps

All information about accommodation, general overview, rates, and availability

Logos von Bundesministerium, LE 14-20 Das Land Steiermark, Leader und EU. Unterstützt von Bund, Land und Europäischer Union.
Alpin Resort
PTS Eisenerz
Ski MS
Jufa Hotels
Eisenerzer Waldgenossenschaft
SC Erzbergland
Erzberg Leoben
Tobias Taxacher
Raiffeisenbank Leoben Bruck
Raiffeisen Leasing
BFI Steiermark
Raiffeisen Landesbank Steiermark
Müller und Fruhmann
Auto Neumann
SOB Immobilien
Abenteuer Erzberg
WKO Steiermark
Energie Steiermark
Alpin Resort
PTS Eisenerz
Ski MS
Jufa Hotels
Eisenerzer Waldgenossenschaft
SC Erzbergland
Erzberg Leoben
Tobias Taxacher
Raiffeisenbank Leoben Bruck
Raiffeisen Leasing
BFI Steiermark
Raiffeisen Landesbank Steiermark
Müller und Fruhmann
Auto Neumann
SOB Immobilien
Abenteuer Erzberg
WKO Steiermark
Energie Steiermark

Cross-country ski trail status

open 12,5 km klassisch und 12,5 km Skating präpariert

Ski jump hill status

open HS109/70/35/15 geöffnet